Meet Our Members – Sherry

Our members are the heart of our gym. It’s the people that turn up every week to give it everything they’ve got in pursuit of their goals that create the positive, motivating community we’re privileged to be host to. Their success is our success. No one tells their story better than they do, and our Meet the Members series gives them the opportunity to share their journey and successes in their own words.

Here’s Sherry…

I started my journey with Fiit Project in July 2020. I was working from home during the COVID-19 and I gained a bit of weight and got a bit soft around the edges. I didn’t have to motivation to stick to an exercise regime on my own so I googled “group training class” and Fiit Project popped up and I am glad it did!

I had no experience with strength training and hadn’t ever been one for sport or exercise. At my first class, I was not mentally prepared for what was to come! I did wall balls, air bike, and box jumps. Was the coaching good? Yes. How did I feel? Dead! My legs shut down completely and all I could think of was does the coach know how to do CPR?? 

A year on and I am still coming to Fiit Project two or three times a week. I have become strong and my muscles are toned but I also feel more confident in my life outside the gym.  

I have been surrounded by amazing members and coaches. They are people I can always learn from. They’re great influencers, supporters and motivators. We have become friends and socialise together regularly. 

The coaches at Fiit Project are very encouraging and they always have a keen eye on my technique, ensuring I’m training safely and effectively. If I am doing a pull-up and my chin is not above the bar, they tell me ‘no rep’ and I go back to basics to get it right. 

Everything is hard before it is easy. I’ve been with Fiit Project for a year now. I’m very happy with how I turned myself from a non-active person into a disciplined gym goer. I’m able to achieve things like double-unders and pull-ups that seemed impossible when I started. It is the best feeling ever! I told my mum that my biggest achievement through Fiit Project is not only that my body gets lean and but also I cultivate my patience and a healthy lifestyle.

Sherry trains at Fiit Project Norwood


What’s your Goat?

We’ve all been there. You check tomorrow’s workout and see it’s Goat Day. Ugh. You wanted to lift, right?  Maybe you think about skipping.  What


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